Monday 12 September 2011


Wake up, wake up, can't smell the coffee
This bothers me, my mouth is sticky like toffee
My teeth are mahogany, throat numb from hollering
Need to get up and heat up something for swallowing
Ideas are smouldering, onward I'm soldiering
Come follow and help with the burden I'm shouldering
Food is emboldening, a new day is unfolding
Assemble a dawn patrol ready for ordering
Last night Katie told me she was hungry for monogamy
Now she's just plain hungry; she clung to me so I go hunting
And gathering a pound or three from everybody around me
The people will be proud with what I return back clutching
Call me Prometheus, let the eagle eat with us
The seagulls can feast now that we're getting serious
Last night there was beer in us, we felt imperious
We're imperious again now the menu has been discussed
Are you gathering dust? Are you turning to rust?
Are you feeling concussed? Then baked beans are a must
Don't be non-plussed, when you party with us
The ends justify the means that saw our party combust
Your trusting me is wonderful so I'll give you a bellyful
The morning after's terrible until breakfast is plentiful
Hash browns, the shops will sell. Bread, eggs and shrooms as well
What kind of juice, it's hard to tell in what flavour most will revel
It's perfect now, we're on the level
The dead all rise up from their dance with the devil
Got to be careful, the flat's rarely this full
Feeding five thousand takes all our biblical skill
I wax lyrical still, it is a miracle thrill
Amassed up on my plate is a physical hill
If looks could kill then they probably will
If the seagulls can't get a look in while we're having our fill

Later that morning, world peace ensued
We were all in love with the music of food
The fast was broken, our chains were too
We were all in love with the music of food

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I wrote this as a rap on a train back to Brighton from London many months ago, using part of an NWA track looped on my mp3 player to try and get some rhythm (you can't just go rapping about breakfast on a train at night time, it's not the done thing). I was hoping I could use it with a new RDDC song that Robin has composed the music for, but it doesn't really fit the mood.

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